Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Organizing Revolution: Challenge #1 - Office/Desk Area

New Year's Organizing Revolution: Challenge #1 - Office/Desk Area
Hi everyone, I am participating in this awesome link up organization challenge!
Organizing Made Fun
I was so excited to start this project I forgot a lot of the before pictures, especially in the drawers.  I also forgot to read the tutorial on how to take nice photos but I'm hoping the ones I got get the point across.  

I added some additional goals for myself,
1. I can't buy anything new, I can only reorganize and re purpose with things I already have.
2. Poke as few holes in the wall as possible because we don't own this house and I'll have to fill every hole I make.
3. Everything should be movable and easy to reset up at our next home (we are moving in 4 months). 

Here is a picture of my side of the office (desk, drawers & wall).  The project on the table is not normally there, however the boxes underneath the table are building up, the random things collecting on the stack of drawers needs help, and the randomness on the wall needs to go.
After :-)
Now I actually want to work in the office!
I put away the random things collecting on top of the stack of drawers.  Took down my randomly placed notes and pictures putting them in scrapbooks and in their place hung one of my chicken wire displays.  I removed the boxes of completed craft from under the table so they are no longer in my foot space.  I hung the year around items that are listed on my etsy shop on the chicken wire, and boxed up the holiday crafts for next year.
Now for the mess that was inside those drawers. On top of the drawers was a blue box and white box.  Inside was scrap booking paper.
The blue box is now gone and the white one has page protectors, spacers, and extensions.  The colored drawers are now organized by type of paper, and are labeled.  I added the labels because I like this  arrangement and want to put everything back in its place after the move.
I forgot the before picture on this on, but this was my sticker box.  It was a mess, the stickers always moves around, they were organized by size not theme and it needed several rubber bands to keep it all together.
This file folder was in the yard sale pile, it's not going anywhere now! I love it's new purpose :-)
This drawer was catch all for scraps.  I save small scraps of scrapbook paper to make tags can cards.  I also save scraps from cricut cutouts to use as stencils.  Overtime it was just too much of a pain to dig through.
This is another file folder from the yard sale pile, it is now home to scraps all organized by color.
The stickers and scraps in their new home.
Back to the scrap drawer...
It is now how to stencils, patterns and letter
All of which are now organized
This was my painting tub. It was too small, the lid would no longer close.
I moved the paints into a drawer, not only did everything fit, but I also added new paints I got for Christmas.
The tub works great for keep the bottles in place too.
All of this stuff was already in this drawer (I forgot the before).  All of the pens were in the original containers which meant everything was a different size, and everything kept falling over.  Plus the note pads kept getting jumbled up in the boxes.  I saw this idea for organizing with cans on pinterest, here is the link
they used tuna cans but soup cans worked great for pens and scissors
This drawer was just full of random stuff (again forgot the before) it now has all my glue, and tape.  These Items were all in a pile in a shoe box.  Now anything thing can be used without everything else falling over.
Everything in it's place
Some of the stuff in the drawers were projects I'm still working on, I used bags to keep the stacks organized and moved them to a works in progress box out of the way.
I am so glad I decided to do this challenge, now my office is ready for the new year!

1 comment:

  1. We use those command strips if we can to not put holes in the walls and we own our home. I too am doing my organization with things I have only. Spending no money makes you get creative. You did a great job.
