Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February New Years Resolution Update

We are more then half way through February so I thought I would do an up date on my resolutions, some of the ones that are going well are...

1. Reach my goal weight (I know it's probably on every ones list): I have been going to the gym at least 5 times a week.  My diet hasn't been the best though so my weight has remained the same.  I can however do more push ups then before :-)

2. Enjoy the time I can spend with my husband: G was at school or in the field for most of the year so far, but we were able to have a really nice Valentine's Day and I am trying to tell him how much love and appreciate him on other days as well.

3. Build an audience for this blog: I have 4 new followers! Thank you guys soooo much for reading :-)

4. Keep my etsy shop going year around: I have updated my etsy shop with spring items!
My Etsy Shop

6. Take a medical billing and coding certification program: I decided to go with Child Day Care instead of Billing and Coding.  Child Day Care is something I can do and still be at home with a child when the time comes.

7. Find temporary employment until May: Woo Hoo I did it! I start my new job Thursday :-)

11. Replace commercial cleaners and beauty products with home made or natural ones: I have been working on this one by one.  So far I have made laundry soap, fabric softener, dog shampoo, my shampoo, body wash, and all purpose cleaner.

12. Before buying new, try to up cycle: For the most part I have been doing great at this!  I can not believe how much nice stuff people just give away.  I have gotten clothing and household items from neighbors and little or cost, and those things did not end up in a landfill. The 13th was my birthday though and my parents sent me some money and I invested in some new workout clothes (I did look for some gently used before I bought new but no luck). It was a good birthday!

13. Become a better mountain biker: First off G is rebuilding his old mountain bike for me.  I more advanced bike with be a big step up for me.  And more importantly I have been going to spin class 2 times a week.

Now it's time to work on the rest of the revolutions!
February in our world :-)

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